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Ballistic PE panel Manufacturers china tells about bulletproof vest you don’t know!

  • Categories:bulletproof vest
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  • Time of issue:2021-05-07 17:25
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(Summary description)Bulletproof vest is a kind of protective clothing used to reduce bullet damage like armor. They are worn by the police and the army.

Ballistic PE panel Manufacturers china tells about bulletproof vest you don’t know!

(Summary description)Bulletproof vest is a kind of protective clothing used to reduce bullet damage like armor. They are worn by the police and the army.

  • Categories:bulletproof vest
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  • Time of issue:2021-05-07 17:25
  • Views:0

Bulletproof vest is a kind of protective clothing used to reduce bullet damage like armor. They are worn by the police and the army. A clothing that can absorb and dissipate the kinetic energy of bullets and fragments, prevent penetration, and effectively protect the protected parts of the human body. From the point of view of materials, it can be divided into three types: software, hardware, and soft-hard composite. The soft materials are mainly made of high-performance textile fibers. These high-performance fibers have much higher energy absorption capacity than general materials and have their bulletproof function. Moreover, due to the general structure of textiles, they have considerable flexibility. It is a software bulletproof vest. The hard body is made of special steel plates, super aluminum alloys and other metal materials or aluminum oxide, silicon carbide and other hard non-metallic materials as the main bulletproof materials, which are generally not flexible. So how much other knowledge do you know about it? Let’s follow the editor of Ballistic PE panel Manufacturers china to have a brief look at it!

1. Anti-pistol and rifle bullets: Many software bulletproof vests can protect against pistol bullets, but to protect against rifle bullets or higher energy bullets, a ceramic or steel bulletproof board is required.
2. Bulletproof pieces: high-speed shrapnel produced by the explosion of various explosives such as bombs, landmines, artillery shells and grenades is one of the main threats on the battlefield. According to the investigation, the order of the threats faced by soldiers in a battlefield is: shrapnel, bullets, blast wave, and heat. Therefore, the function of the bulletproof piece must be emphasized.
3. Prevention of non-penetrating damage: The bullet will produce a great impact after hitting the target, and the damage produced by this impact on the human body is often fatal. This kind of injury does not show penetration, but it can cause internal injuries, and severe cases can be life-threatening. Therefore, preventing non-penetrating injuries is also an important feature of bulletproof vest.
The above is the introduction of bulletproof vest by the editor of Ballistic PE panel Manufacturers china. I hope you can learn more.


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